4000 Hansen Ranch Rd Piercy CA

This has been a rustic cabin for decades and now it’s time to let someone else enjoy it. This is a one room cabin with a bedroom and bathroom off the back from an exterior entrance off the deck. The property is approximately 40 acres of timber and meadows, has spring water from an adjoining parcel with deeded access and has a detached 2 car garage. There is a road past the garage down to the river. The property is only used on rare occasions and it's time for someone else to make lasting memories on this perfect recreation spot. Refrigerator and cook stove are propane, no electricity but it can be connected to a portable generator. Lots of potential to give it some modern touches to make it really comfortable or keep it just how it is and just come and enjoy the rustic life. List Price $125,000

Call Broker Owner Jeremy Stanfield LIC# 01339550 at Landmark Real Estate (707) 725-2852 for more information.

Email: jeremy@jeremystanfieldhomes.com